Rounding the Curve

Rounding the curve, the runner sees his opposition, four strides ahead, digging in for the last 100 meters. Both faces mirror the countless hours of late-night practices and early morning workouts. Through sheer determination and will, the runner begins to close the gap, a task that just a moment ago felt impossible. They finish within…

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New Toys for Biology

The biology department has purchased new science equipment for labs. Students will be able to use the gear throughout the various biology, anatomy, and physiology classrooms. Covid-19 funding provided the money needed to purchase the equipment.  For Dr. Jennifer Gilley, the new equipment provides opportunities for more labs. She said, “We, through pandemic funding, have…

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Anything But a Buzzkill

The strangest club at our school–or any school–may be the beekeeping club. However, interest runs high for all things apiary and the group now ranks among the largest clubs in the school. Last year they had around 70 active members. With support from teachers such as Mr. Paul Spencer, Mr. Steve Aday, and Principal Steve Straessle,…

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Basketball Comeback

  Leg injuries are some of the most difficult sports injuries. It’s even harder when a basketball player suffers a leg injury that requires two invasive surgeries in a week, or when a player has major injuries to both knees in one year. Senior Joseph Enderlin was at basketball practice last October when it happened….

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Life At A Military Academy

  Most schools in the country have their best students going to some of the most prestigious schools in the country. The difference with our top students is that they are going to serve their country. Every year our school has at least one student going to a military academy. Many years we have multiple…

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Mowing Mayhem

Above: Sophomore Paul Moellers runs his mowing route during these hard times.   It came as a surprise. Like others, my working situation completely changed with the rise of the COVID-19. While one of my jobs actually benefited from the pandemic, I ended up completely losing the other. Ever since I was 13, I have mowed…

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