A Synopsis of A Synopsis

The assigned reading books seem very daunting to students. One easy solution involves using only simple summaries of those books, but this method and these summaries in general lead to missing out on why the teachers carefully selected those books. Book summaries, such as SparkNotes and CliffNotes, provide students with simple and easier-to-digest versions of…

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New Toys for Biology

The biology department has purchased new science equipment for labs. Students will be able to use the gear throughout the various biology, anatomy, and physiology classrooms. Covid-19 funding provided the money needed to purchase the equipment.  For Dr. Jennifer Gilley, the new equipment provides opportunities for more labs. She said, “We, through pandemic funding, have…

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Wasted Time

Students today face more difficult challenges than generations before them. These challenges can be difficult to defeat, but they are not impossible.   It is no secret that high school can be difficult. Making friends, preparing for the next step after high school, and navigating toward adulthood are all things that high school students go through….

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