Good Morning, Little Rock

Waking up at 3:00 in the morning is not something most people want to do. The streets are deserted, and the sun is never up. But for Mr. Adam Dunaway, also known as Pool Boy on Alice 107.7, it is his daily routine. Mr. Dunaway said, “My alarm goes off at 3:20 I get to…

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Gilmore Pitches His Way To The Top

Michael Jordan. Johnny Unitas.  Lionel Messi. These stars have something unexpected in common. None of their high school teams recognized their talents. Alumnus Connor Gilmore has a unique chance to become a superstar despite being unwanted by his team. Gilmore, class of 2012, is currently a pitcher for the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). It…

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Barry Jewell

Prison was the best thing that ever happened to Mr. Barry Jewell. Mr. Jewell graduated in the same year as Mr. David Massery. Mr. Massery said, “I’ve known him [Mr. Jewell] since we met in the ninth grade. He was a very good student and quiet.” Mr. Jewell said, “I moved around a lot. By…

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