Top of the Mound

This senior class doesn’t need a destiny to prove their worth as the leaders of the school.  Many classes have gone through the school quickly and were forgotten just as quickly.  The class is here to find out what kind of men they will be. It’s early to tell, but its members are hopeful that…

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Ready for Play

A look at the banners in the gym tells the story: the school’s tennis team has more titles than any other team here. The 2021 Rocket tennis team played well enough to have won the conference championship. This year, the team will work to further the legacy of the sport. The 2021 tennis team only lost one conference game during…

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A Marketing Masterpiece

The world has become much more digitized over the past few years with the advent of social media and other forms of technological advancement. Keeping up or falling into irrelevance in the digital world has become essential. As a result, the school has adapted to not only keep up but excel in this new age….

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The Schedule Shuffle

A student walks down the hall, heading to his L1 lunch period before going to Schola practice. His classes are 50 minutes. He has three minutes between classes and only six classes in a day. This was the life of a student here before the 2020-2021 school year. The bell schedule at the school has…

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