Capital and Connections

This school, as well as any school, has many expenses, like teacher salaries and tuition assistance. Some students may not consider how much goes into paying for these expenses, which is the job of this school’s development department. The development department of this school has one main goal. “We raise money for tuition assistance and…

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Study Hall or Study Schmall?

The students walk into the main study hall room and sit in their assigned seats. They fire up their school-issued Chromebooks and open their notebooks to complete their assignments. As the clock ticks by, the students frets over whether or not they budgeted enough time to complete the assignments. Perhaps, they think, they could have…

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Invest in Rest

High schoolers’ lives tend to revolve around school, sports, and friends. Keeping a balance among these things is necessary, but one very important thing many high school students tend to overlook is sleep. From ages 14 to 18, high schoolers are at a time of their lives in which their bodies are growing a changing….

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