After School Soccer

Some guys go home after school, some go to practice, some to clubs, and others to work. Everyone has something they do between 3:05 and when they get home. Every day, one group does something unusual. They meet at a volleyball court to play soccer. “It started at recces at St. Edwards, the same group…

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Playing for Love

Freshmen Henry Nolan and Steven Weeks are taking top spots in the Arkansas Athletic Association 7A tennis ranking with their hard work and talent. They recently won 7A conference and state championships as freshman in the tennis doubles category and are poised to be in the hunt for another conference and state title again next year….

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Let’s Get Quizzical

One answer can be the difference between $10,000 and a bitter defeat. Returning Quiz Bowl team member and sophomore Allen Bogoslavsky knows defeat all too well. Last year, Bogoslavsky was the only new addition to the team at first. “Last year,” Bogoslavsky said, “We placed fourth in state. We didn’t prepare that well, but we’re…

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