The Viking Clap

Barbaric Vikings of centuries ago left their mark on cultures everywhere. One winning tradition has trickled down through history, and that is the Viking chant. Once used to excite brutal fighters, it now excites fans of the Catholic High Rockets. With its ear shattering drum beat followed by claps, does it have a deeper meaning? The promoter of…

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Uniforms like none other

Button up. Fasten. Zip. Fix the tie. Every morning Catholic High students clothe themselves in a contributing essence of the school. Walking down Kavanaugh or driving down Cantrell, parents and friends see these distinct uniforms and immediately recognize a Catholic High student. Whether people scoff at these uniforms or approve them, it doesn’t make a difference to the…

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Basketball Comeback

  Leg injuries are some of the most difficult sports injuries. It’s even harder when a basketball player suffers a leg injury that requires two invasive surgeries in a week, or when a player has major injuries to both knees in one year. Senior Joseph Enderlin was at basketball practice last October when it happened….

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