Generation to Generation

Father-Son Mass ’24 strengthens bonds and motivates seniors The senior class’s fingers fidget nervously with their rings as Head of School Steve Straessle steps up to the podium. Their stomachs rumble; they know what’s coming next: an off-campus lunch with their dad. Mr. Straessle gives the final order, “… and listen.”  The Father-Son Mass at…

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The Count’s Curtain Call

The crimson curtains rise. The boundaries of reality dissolve. Time stands still, leaving only the haunting echo of one name… Dracula.   In Bram Stoker’s timeless masterpiece, Dracula, a mesmerizing fusion of horror, seduction, and eternal longing awaits, beckoning the audience into a world where the line between life and death is blurred. Many students participated…

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AP Aptitude

The end of the school year is typically defined by spring fever where most students count the days till summer break instead of focusing on their schoolwork. Some students decided to take AP tests for their AP classes and cannot participate in this countdown as they have to rigorously study to be prepared. Senior Maxx…

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Searching for Faith

An event shrouded in mystery is taking place this summer at the St. John’s Center in Little Rock. No attendees have known what adventures they were about to embark on. No one knew that this event would change their lives forever.  This event is Search, a retreat that is entirely peer-led. Search #152 is the…

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New Tradition on the Block

Field day has become a staple in the final semester of school. It gives students a break from classes, but why does it exist alongside intramurals? The school is strict about missing class days, so why do students get an afternoon out of classes right before finals? Field day started as a substitute for intramural…

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Chase-ing The Dream

The sound of bowling pins ringing on the ground is piercing to most people’s ears. But to Chase Valenzuela, it is the sound of success. It reminds him of a long journey starting in his high school days. Chase Valenzuela, ’15, attended Arkansas State University after graduation to study law, later transferring to the University…

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Going for Distance

Everyone has something they are passionate about, something they enjoy doing in their free time. For some, it’s sports, for others, it’s art, but for senior Nate Rousseau, it’s long-distance running. While Rousseau has only been running for a little over a year, it has quickly become something he enjoys greatly. During his time running,…

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Lax to the Max

While lacrosse is not an Arkansas Activities Association-sanctioned sport, it is rapidly increasing in popularity. The lacrosse team has spiked in new players over the past two years with roughly half of last year’s team being freshmen. To prepare for this season, the lacrosse team has not only started their training but has acquired two…

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