Capstone: Chapter Three

The Red Cup by Jackson Smith The dishes are washed and heated, in a routine the dishwasher knows best. The red cup, along with the microwavable plates, the rusty spoons, and the chipped knives, are treated the same. They are all abused by the power, of the rapid water deteriorating their skin. What would Grandmother…

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Capstone: Chapter Two

A Dream  by Conor Brown I dreamt of nothing wrong last night. I woke up happy but remembered I can’t really fly.  You don’t exist until I escape from my life  In the abyss of pictures only in my mind.  I battle monsters but in reality, I can’t fight.  I ruled the world but then…

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Capstone: Chapter One

Vol. 1 ​by Carson McKay I remember one thing from preschool. Just one thing. I remember that adrenaline pumping, Velcro shoe stomping, Four-year-old heart thumping feeling— As I ran from someone, On the playground— In a high-speed pursuit chase, In the game of tag. But that feeling died, Along with our class fish, When I…

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Creative Ways to Hang Out

With the coronavirus keeping everyone cooped up in their houses, one thing people miss the most is their friends. I want to give some ideas to everyone who hasn’t been able to see their friends since the coronavirus shut everything down. The coronavirus has caused schools, sit down restaurants, and other public areas to be…

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Corona Cooking

Above: Canned foods gain more importance during quarantine.   Half a teaspoon of resourcefulness, a tablespoon of self-quarantine, and a cup of creativity create the fiasco of a meal we call the Coronavirus. Although the virus has caused many problems in our world, the meals we eat, and the way we prepare them, are often…

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At-Home Workouts

As a member of the school’s fitness team, I was scared when the school closed due to the coronavirus. After a solid win at the state competition, the fitness team needed to be no less than full steam ahead in order to win the national competition. On the last day of school, the team came…

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The Take-Away

Life throws curveballs at us almost every day. These curveballs can be as small as burning one’s toast by accident in the morning or as big as the pandemic that the world is currently in. COVID-19 comes with many rules and restrictions including social distancing.   Local and national government telling people to stay inside has…

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