Home Turf

For the first time in school history, the physical fitness national championship is held on home turf. On Saturday, May 7, Catholic High’s JROTC will host the national physical fitness competition.  Most know the school fitness team for its domination in the sport. Currently, the team has won six national championships in a row. While…

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Waking Up to Jesus

 It’s 7:10. Students huddle in small groups scattered throughout the cafeteria while a few sit by themselves, trying to finish the previous day’s homework. The low voice of Brother Richard Sanker over the intercom interrupts this peaceful scene with the first announcement of the day. Every morning around 7:10, Brother Richard invites all students to…

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Let it Rip

After the pandemic hit this school, the Beyblade club was one of its victims but has returned after its year-long hiatus. Although gone for a full year, the club is now returned again thanks to sophomores A.J. Salgaonkar, John Yarberry, and James Nichols. Fr. Patrick Friend is the sponsor and host of the Beyblade club. …

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Faith and Fortitude

The future is a vast void of uncertainty. No one knows what lies ahead. However, one can prepare himself for what is to come. Everyone knows that this school holds its students to high standards. Teachers push their students to challenge themselves and grow their relationship with God. This school helps students prepare for the…

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The Help of a Friend

As dawn breaks after the cold darkness of a winter night, a kind man prepares to guide young men to eternal life through Mass. This by itself is an extraordinary event. However, Fr. Patrick Friend does this every single day, bright and early at 7:15. And that’s just the beginning of the generosity that Fr….

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Road to Success

Hayden Lipscomb poses after a successful hunt. Although living in Cabot has some disadvantages, the access to nature is a great amenity.    Sacrifice comes in many forms. It is making donations, helping a friend with an assignment, or even laying down one’s life for another. For many students, a Catholic High education is entirely…

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Better Go With Retro Sno

The smell of sugary syrup, the allure of snow on a hot summer afternoon, and smiling children slurping down the last of their melted snow cones are just some of the positive qualities Retro Sno brings to the Pleasant Ridge Town Center. Last summer, junior Whit Wilcox opened his recently purchased snow cone stand under…

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The Start of a New Period

The arrival of the new athletic period will yield benefits for players, coaches, and dinnertime Above: “There Are Battles We Go Through In Life”: Rocket football players ready themselves for the 2019 season. Coaches and players are applauding the new athletic period that allow a class period to begin practice. Photo by Nick Gowen ’02    An…

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