The Practiced Painter

Photo from Barry Thomas Fine Art & Studio Facebook page. “What am I going to get my mom for Mother’s Day?” This is a thought that has prevailed in the minds of boys for centuries. For Mr. Barry Thomas, Class of 1981, this question developed into much more than a once-a-year dilemma. He, too, weighed…

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Chase-ing The Dream

The sound of bowling pins ringing on the ground is piercing to most people’s ears. But to Chase Valenzuela, it is the sound of success. It reminds him of a long journey starting in his high school days. Chase Valenzuela, ’15, attended Arkansas State University after graduation to study law, later transferring to the University…

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Non-Catholics at Catholic

Catholic High School for Boys. “Catholic” is even in the name of the school. Does that mean that all of the faculty have to be Catholic? Does that mean that all of the faculty have to agree with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church?  Not all of the teachers at the school are Catholic….

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A Marketing Masterpiece

The world has become much more digitized over the past few years with the advent of social media and other forms of technological advancement. Keeping up or falling into irrelevance in the digital world has become essential. As a result, the school has adapted to not only keep up but excel in this new age….

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Capital and Connections

This school, as well as any school, has many expenses, like teacher salaries and tuition assistance. Some students may not consider how much goes into paying for these expenses, which is the job of this school’s development department. The development department of this school has one main goal. “We raise money for tuition assistance and…

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