Ripple Effect

A life can change in an instant. This has certainly proven to be the case for senior Alex Lipe. He has had the duty of changing and saving not one, but two lives in two consecutive years. Lipe works as a lifeguard at Lake Nixon where kindergarteners through fifth graders attend camp throughout the summer….

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A Marathon, Not A Sprint

At nine in the morning, Georgiana Burnside was preparing to ski with a group of friends. About fifteen minutes later, something unpredictable happened that would transform her life. During spring break, Georgiana, a figure skater and sister of senior Ellis Burnside, went skiing in Aspen, Colorado. In the middle of a ski run, she skied…

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Junior  Andre Sale was hoping on attending the Oklahoma State spring game on Saturday, April 18, but his mother had already made other plans. She had signed him up for Search #136, and she wasn’t changing her mind.  “I was bummed, but I was open to it,” said Sale.” I thought since I’m here it’s…

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Church League

Packed arenas, screaming fans, and excellent showings of athleticism. These are things that you will not find at a church league basketball game. However, you will find people that are looking to have a good time and play the game they love, even if they’re not quite good enough to play for a school team….

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American Sniper Review

War. Three powerful letters that stir raw, unsettling images of the capability of humans to destroy one another. American Sniper is a war drama following the struggles and prestige of Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. The film opens with a fictitious exposition of Kyle’s childhood portraying hunting with his father, protecting his younger…

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