Dakota Case

After School Soccer

Some guys go home after school, some go to practice, some to clubs, and others to work. Everyone has something they do between 3:05 and when they get home. Every day, one group does something unusual. They meet at a volleyball court to play soccer. “It started at recces at St. Edwards, the same group…

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American Sniper Review

War. Three powerful letters that stir raw, unsettling images of the capability of humans to destroy one another. American Sniper is a war drama following the struggles and prestige of Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. The film opens with a fictitious exposition of Kyle’s childhood portraying hunting with his father, protecting his younger…

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Poor Richard

Not even a year ago, in the dim days of January, three musicians came together to create something original, loud, and expressive. That something was Poor Richard. Poor Richard is a garage band that consists of seniors Grant Diffee, Patrick Finnegan, and Connor Griffin. It all began when Diffee met Finnegan while they were auditioning…

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