All posts by Dakota Case

  • Broadcasting Process

      Anything worth doing isn’t easy and takes time. The broadcast team of Catholic High know this. They know how to do things well when...

  • After School Soccer

    Some guys go home after school, some go to practice, some to clubs, and others to work. Everyone has something they do between 3:05 and...

  • American Sniper Review

    War. Three powerful letters that stir raw, unsettling images of the capability of humans to destroy one another. American Sniper is a war drama following...

  • Anderson Hambuchen: Trap Shooter

    The cold rain rode the biting wind on a foggy Saturday. Terrible conditions for any sport; but this didn’t stop him. No, not Anderson Hambuchen...

  • Poor Richard

    Not even a year ago, in the dim days of January, three musicians came together to create something original, loud, and expressive. That something was...