Screams echo in the hallways. Lights dim in the library. Old school sound effects surround an attentive audience. While criticizing and applauding, the boys watch some of the finest horror films created.
Around two years ago, senior AJ Orr received a gift of five classic horror films. Orr became fascinated with the aspects of these older films and decided to share his experience with the school. After Ms. Carrey Reynolds approved his plan, Orr announced he would be showing the classic films every Tuesday and Thursday in the Library. Consequently, some boys were also able to enjoy the movies.
“I wanted to be able to watch horror movies after school, and since I don’t have any subscriptions, it was nice,” said Orr. “Also, for Halloween I wanted to watch the classics. To do it with other people was fun.”
Orr first took his idea to Ms. Reynolds. “I knew there needed to be space for any people who wanted to show up,” said Orr. “We had about six people show up regularly, so it worked pretty well.”
Ms. Reynolds said, “As the head of the drama club, I was kind of embarrassed we hadn’t thought about it. It is such a fun way to experience film, and the timing was perfect.”
With Ms. Reynolds approval, Orr put his plan in motion. “I really appreciate the way Orr saw things through,” said Ms. Reynolds. “He shows up prepared for each movie. For me, that was really gratifying and rewarding to see.”
Each movie was chosen specifically for its day. “I already had a collection of five classic horror movies, so I then picked three more of my favorites,” said Orr. The class officers then announced the time and location of each movie over morning announcements for any boys interested.
Orr enjoys most all horror movies and has a special interest in how the genre has changed. “I like to see the evolution of movies over time,” he said. “I like to see how things were.”
For Orr, movies are works of art. He picks them apart and interprets each part. By watching the classics with others, Orr understands the movies better. He said, “I see other people’s opinions. Ms. Reynolds, for instance, pointed out that I look at movies the way she looks as plays: I see the minor details in them. I notice when the camera moves, there is a jump cut, or when they [the producers] don’t fill in silence. I see where flaws are that could be changed.”
Ms. Reynold’s also appreciated the classic films. “I hate to admit that I’ve already seen all the movies as a kid,” she said. “But, I kind of liked revisiting the movies and seeing how far we’ve come. I also remember how terrifying they were when I was a kid. Now, it’s funny to watch how silly they are.”
One of the boys who took advantage of Orr’s movies is junior Phillip Zawislak. “I missed the first few, but I showed up to any I could,” said Zawislak. “I liked watching the classics, especially The Invisible Man because it is honestly a comedic movie now. I had a good time sitting in the library eating popcorn while watching the movies after school.”
Ms. Reynolds also had positive experience with the movies. “I loved watching the boys, most of whom are interested in film, react to the old movies. I also like to help provide them with snacks and a place to watch their movies after school.”